Our Missions Strategy

Here - Near - Far - Hard

Here - Cedar Springs Camp

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Cedar Springs Camp is the local campground for our district of The Wesleyan Church. They host a variety of camps for our district (kids camp, youth camp, family retreat) as well as host camps and events for other organizations as well. Their facilities are well equipped to serve the needs of organizations seeking a Christ-centered atmosphere.

Near - Jericho Outreach Ministires


Jericho Outreach Ministries is an outreach ministry in Des Moines, IA. Their vision is to see women in the adult entertainment industry come to know that God loves them. They hope to see the lives of those involved in the industry changed through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and by Christ's love shining through us.

Far - Andrea Swarthout - Japan


“I felt God leading me into full-time missions work when I was 12 years old at youth camp. The next year, I knew God was calling me to Japan. Through the years, God has confirmed this call in my life through people, Scripture, and experiences. He has given me a passion for missions and for the spiritual growth of Japanese people.”

Andrea Swarthout served in Japan for two years as a Global Partners’ intern missionary, and in February 2008 she was appointed to long-term missionary service. In a small town in Iowa, Andrea grew up in a Wesleyan pastor’s family, and she came to know the Lord at a very young age. Experiences throughout her teens helped to solidify her faith and make it personal. She earned a B.S. degree from Bartlesville Wesleyan College (now Oklahoma Wesleyan University) in intercultural ministries and an M.A. in biblical studies from Asbury Theological Seminary. She is an ordained pastor in The Wesleyan Church.

Andrea’s passion is to assist the Japanese Church in their vision to become a dynamic influence and a thriving witness for Christ to the culture around them so that God may be honored.

Ephesians 3:7-9 represents God’s call on her life: I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. Although I am less than the least of all God’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God who created all things.

Hard - Eastern Europe


The Bridge partners with a Global Partners family living and working in Eastern Europe. They are working toward a prayer-led disciple making movement in Eastern Europe resulting in local followers of Jesus who are discovering Scripture, obeying God’s commands, and engaging together as the body of Christ. For security reasons, we are not able to post their names or location online. However, you can use the links below to learn more about Global Partners or support this family directly.