What does it mean to be a true disciple of Christ? How do we really define what that is? Those can be difficult questions to answer, but at the Bridge, we want to begin to focus on five core values that we believe are critical to shaping your heart towards God.

James said, "But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." The truth is that a lot of people think they have a relationship with God, but their actions don't profess it. Are we saved by our actions? Absolutely not. We are saved by grace through faith, but our actions should affirm our faith. In our new series, Engaged, we will explore what it means to truly worship, grow, serve, give and multiply. Actions and values that don't save us, but affirm who we are in Christ. We hope you can join us!


October 14, 2018


October 7, 2018


September 30, 2018


September 23, 2018


September 9, 2018

Fully Engaged

September 2, 2018