Hashtags are used for a number of reasons. Google defines the purpose of a hashtag as a symbol to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it. Some of the most trending topics in the world have been discovered or made popular with - you guessed it - hashtags, specifically through social media. As Christians, it's our job to make Jesus the no. 1 trending topic in our lives. If only it were as easy as using a hashtag. We hope you can join us for this 6-week series as we work through the book of John and discover how to do exactly that, make Jesus the most trending topic in our lives.

Submit to the Spirit

April 14, 2019

Bear Fruit

April 7, 2019

Freedom from Sin

March 31, 2019

Born Again

March 24, 2019

Step Aside

March 17, 2019