Have you ever felt like you can never keep up? Have you ever felt like you'll never get caught up? There is always more work to do. There are always more bills to pay. There is always another kid's concert or program or game. The calendar is full every day. The dishes are overflowing in the sink. You can't remember the last time you sat down to have a good meal with your spouse and the kids... "How many times did we eat McDonald's this week? In the meantime, you feel like your going nuts, because you don't have time to take care of... well, YOU!

What if we told you that God never intended for you to live like this? What if we told you there was a way to get out of the rat race? Join us this January for our new teaching series called Rat Race. In just four weeks we hope to teach you how to begin stewarding your time, energy, and resources that you might keep your sanity and better yet, get out of the race!


January 26, 2020

Keeping up with the Joneses

January 19, 2020

Tips to Get Out

January 12, 2020

 Getting Out of It

January 5, 2020