It's one thing to simply do your job. It's a whole other thing to take ownership of what has been given to you. When you take ownership, you don't need someone else to motivate you. When you take ownership, you don't need a paycheck to get it done. When you take ownership, the bar for excellence is automatically set high, to your standard. When you take ownership, you're all in.
So what's holding us back from taking ownership of our faith? Jesus said that he's not looking for half-hearted, double-minded, conflicted hearts and minds. He's looking for fully dedicated believers and followers that are willing to take ownership of the mission He's given us. In this series called Owning It, where we will discover what it means to truly own our faith, and become more effective, sold out, disciples of Christ.


March 10, 2019


March 3, 2019


February 17, 2019


February 10, 2019

Faith & Mission

February 3, 2019