Are you married or single? It's one of the first questions people tend to figure out about you when you first meet. Many of us are quick to give the answer, but very few of us tend to be content with it. Even in the church, if you aren't married you can feel very alone. But then, you can feel very alone in your marriage as well. This all leads to discontentment, and discontentment can be more dangerous than we realize. Join us in August for our new relationship series as we study what it means to be content with where we are at, as we work towards the future God has planned for us. We should all want to be Single or Married... and Lovin' it!

Building Intimacy

September 8, 2019

Before You Say I Quit

September 1, 2019

The Dirty Word

August 25, 2019

Before You Say I Do

August 18, 2019