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"I'm too messed up to ever be part of a church... My problems are too deep for anyone to deal with... There's no way out... I'm too far gone... I'm in too deep to be rescued..." All of these are lies that so many in our world tend to believe. Many of us struggle with hurts, habits, and hang-ups that we just can't seem to even perceive a way out. 

But in Luke 7 we see a beautiful story of Jesus and a woman who has been condemned by religious leaders for her sins. And Jesus turns the script on all of the aforementioned lies to turn them into something so much more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. Join us in our new series called "In Deep", as we look at the fact that there is no ocean of sin that is too deep, too wide, or even to vast for God to rescue us from. He sees beauty in your redemption.

Week 4: Addictions