Three things we know about you. (1) You are living on a percentage of your income. (2) You wish you had just a little bit more. (3) You thought the same thing when you made a lot less.

The problem? Many of us don't know the percentage of income we are living on, we may not NEED a little bit more, and we come to learn that happiness doesn't come from having more. And yet, many of us have felt strapped for a very long time. You're tired of living paycheck to paycheck, but no matter how much "more" you make, you tend to find ways to spend it.

Join us as we dive into an awesome new sermon series called Strapped. In it, we will talk about debt, bills, budgets, low wages, and the cure for it all. We can't wait to see you!

Money Management

February 16, 2020

Using the buttons below, you can download a paper budget or go to Dave Ramsey’s website to learn more about budgeting.

First Things First

February 2, 2020