“If only it weren’t for…” How many times have you found yourself saying that over the past few months? It can be easy to blame our circumstances for what’s gone wrong in our lives. However, Paul in Philippians 4 says something that powerfully contrasts with that mindset: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.” For Paul, contentment did not rely on his circumstances. Rather, he found a source of contentment that transcended every situation (including being locked in prison!).

 In this season, I think God is calling us to be content. In a world that is unpredictable and chaotic, God is calling us into a contentment that transcends our situations and our circumstances. How? You’ll have to join us to find out!

The Keys to Contentment

August 16, 2020

The Enemies of Contentment

August 9, 2020