Have you ever had someone tell you the story of Jesus before? Have they ever shared the hope of the Gospel with and you were just left thinking..."That's it?" So many people are presenting the Gospel, the "good news of Christ", in so many different ways. Maybe you've been told that you just have to "pray a prayer" or if you just "believe in your heart and confess it with your mouth", then you can receive Salvation. 

Far too often, we think that the Good News is simply that Jesus saved us from Hell. While that is true, there is so much more to the story, so much we are missing out on... truth is, that's just the first half of the gospel. What comes next? There's got to be more than that... doesn't there? Join us in this great three-week series about the rest of the story God has for you, The Second Half of the Gospel.


April 1, 2018



March 25, 2018



March 18, 2018