Christmas is almost here, can you believe it? Every year I feel like the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas gets shorter. I love Christmas and look forward to it every year with anticipation.

This week at The Bridge, we're going to talk about something that is abundant at Christmas time (especially in children!): Anticipation. There's something about Christmas that makes young and old alike look forward to December 25th with eager excitement. Why do we only seem to experience this kind of excitement and anticipation around Christmas? What if we lived in anticipation all year, not just in December?

This Sunday we're going to wrestle with that exact question together as we look at the story of the Magi in Matthew Chapter 2 and how their anticipation led them to be an incredible part of the Christmas story. I'm waiting in eager anticipation to share with you what God has been laying on my heart this Christmas season.

What Are You Waiting For?

December 22, 2019